Thursday, February 21, 2013

Boma Langom'be and Pommern Secondary Schools

Boma Langom'be Secondary School

View from  back of Multipurpose Building Tree Projects in the Distance
Scholarship Students ready to sing for us

On Tuesday we visited two more Diocese Secondary Schools taking over 300 student pictures.  We were anticipating a very rough road and I wore shoes that would not slip easily on wet ground and clothes warm enough for cooler temperatures.  This area is about 2,000 feet higher than Iringa. The roads were much better than anticipated and the sun shown in this area where there is a great deal of forestry.  These two schools are south and slightly east of Iringa Town. We were greeted with singing by the students who were sponsored by Bega Kwa Bega; there were over 110 of them.  We met with the second head master in the head master's office.

Trinity Lutheran in Stillwater has contributed to building new structures at Boma Langom'be.  There are 305 students enrolled.  68% of the Form IV Students passed the Form IV test; the national passing rate was 40%.  There were 84 students taking the Form II test and just one failed the Form II test.  Boma Langom'be teaches Form 1 to 4.  CEFA, an Italian NGO, contributed money for electrical wiring.  There were 12 computers in their laboratory.
Boma Langom'be students working on computers

Tea and chapatis ready just outside headmaster's office
Dennis Ngede, Eunice Fultz, Mollie MacLean, Don Fultz
 Registering Our Names in Headmaster's Office

Before taking student pictures we were served tea and chapatis in the head master's office.

Students ready to hear about their scholarships
The students gathered in the multipurpose building.  Eunice noted that since their last visit this building had been improved with concrete floor and glass windows.  We took the group picture in this building with Lyn standing on a table.  

Finding the best angle for group picture
Pastor Lusungu Msigwa checking the student information

Students writing thank you notes to sponsors
Sink outside multipurpose building

Getting water from tank
Students carrying water into Multipurpose Building

There was some kind of cooking facility in the front of the multipurpose building and students gathered to collect water and take it to the front of the multipurpose building.  Or they may be supplying water to the sink pictured on the left.

Pommern Secondary School

Pommern was the first Lutheran secondary school in Iringa teaching Form I - VI.  We visited Pommern in 2002 and we met many of our students there including John Mhekwa.   There are many new buildings and the students seemed happy.  They especially enjoyed encouraging the other student to smile when we took their pictures.  Some of the girls mimicked me with "smile."

We were first greeted with singing and something new to Image and Pommern - Acrobatics.  The boys enjoyed it and so did the students who had not seen them before.  The acrobats first performed at graduation this year.   

Four high

Through a hoop

Through a hoop even higher and smaller

Maasai Girls with special procession and singing

Pommern Headmaster  Shadrack Nyanlingo giving student's thank you letters
to Lusungu Msigwa and Don Fultz for delivery to sponsors

Headmaster Shadrack and Don Fultz
Pommern Students gathered for scholarship information
Rarely clean car outside Pommern
At these visits, our primary purpose was checking students and making sure our records are correct and taking their pictures.  There was not much time to spend visiting the school, but at least you can see that we are supporting many students and they are happy and working hard to do well.

Thank you for your support.

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